Friday, July 07, 2006

Happy 4th of July!

Well, seems to me that we get to this about once a's the fourth of July in FLA and I sit bobbing in the Boggy Bayou with my dad and family waiting for the fireworks to be blasted off of the large barge before us.

Looks like this year's fireworks will be a treat. I haven't seen them from "In" the water in years. How magical. It was also my nephew, Sebastian's, first fireworks, there were lots of ohhhhhh, ahhhhhh, from the front of the boat.

What an adventure. This is just one stop in the "Traveling Chris Show" for the summer of 2006. So far stops in Milwaukee, WI, Ontario, CA, and Atlanta, GA top the list. More to come.......

1 comment:

Sanya said...

Er... you're in Italy? What are you doing in Italy? Capisco l'italiano un po!

Got your message through the school site! If I don't hear from you soon I'll pony up the twenty bucks just to send you an email, because yes, I do want to get together when you're "in country."