Wednesday, July 12, 2006

UPDATE long past due....

Welp...I'm on my lonesome in Nicolosi right now, Christine called me excitedly, a few minutes ago, from the base of a 60 foot tall Radio Telescope in California. This is but one of the many reasons I love my wife.

LOOK!! Our friends the Andre's (Phil and Aja) just had a beautiful baby girl! Her name is Eleanora Louise Andre....she's just under 9lbs...the whole fam is doing great!

In older news....
About a year ago, we adopted (or he adopted us) a small orange tabby that we named "Sally"... He's about half the size of Harry, and mysteriously afraid of feet. There's Harry wearing Sally as though he were a wrap.

We purchased a Mini Cooper Type S last just rolled over the 7,000 mile point. It's fast...and very fun to drive.

I find that my italian skills have improved somewhat...I now feel that I'm better at the capiche's the parlo I'm really having difficulty with.

Phil and I got a paintball game together up in Nicolosi....I got some of that new computer generated camo...which works REALLY well....when you're completely still. A good time was had by all ten of us...

I have mastered the fine art of turning DVD's into movies for the Video iPod my sweet sweet loving wonderful wife bought me. =)

If you have not held the wonder of science and technology that is an iPod (Nano or Video) you need to... It's like the One Ring..... after you sees wants it.

Several weeks ago Christine and I started on our PADI Open Water diving certificate....we've completed 2 of the required 4 dives...and we're really enjoying it!

My friend Chris accompanied me on a hike up Mount visit the ICE CAVES...these caves contain ice year round....they are said to be where the very first ice cream came from! It was an ardous hike....the guide actually got lost at one point....and we wandered over many piles of sharp lava rocks stacked as you would expect on a grill....I don't think Chris has forgiven me for inviting him on this trip. =)

More sooner than later...


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